Light and The Eye Of The Photographer

Light and The Eye Of The Photographer
74.99 USD
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LATEST: Course Update - September2020In photography, light is essential in taking a photograph. Once you begin to understand light and lighting techniques, your photography can improve drastically. It is my beliefthat the great photographers of our time saw beyond the common place. Whether they were landscape/nature photographers, photojournalists, portrait, wedding, architectural photographers and any other genre of photography I may have missed, you can bet they mastered and knew how to work with light. That is why they were able to create the type of images they did. In photography, sometimes the way you see, fine tune and capture light, can make the difference between a snapshot and an award winning image. In this course you’ll learn: An Introduction to The Characteristics of Light Intensity & Direction of Light Sweet Light Mixing Flash with Natural Light Backlit/Double Light Technique Photographing in the Moonlight Shoot When The Lighting is Best Painting With Light Understanding Lighting Ratios Lake Pine Photo Shoot Front View & Profile Lighting Subtractive Lighting Early Evening Photo Shoot at Lake Pine Simple Fluorescent Lighting Headshot On-Location Portrait Lighting Camera Room Set-Up (Lights & Backgrounds) and more. Learning to see and master light can help you take better photos and make your photography so much more enjoyable too. Enroll today!