Life Purpose Mastery

Life Purpose Mastery
189.99 USD
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Why Is That. Why is that people work so hard only to continue struggling? Can you relate?You do everything you can. You are supposedly doing the right thing and speaking the right words. Yet there is something deeply missing from your life. You strive to be the best partner, employee, father, mother or boss you can be but even that doesnt fill the empty void inside. Whats worse is youre not doing what you love. Youre stuck in a job you hate and try to survive. You struggle financially, going from paycheck after paycheck to pay the bills. You do what society defines to be the right thing to do for a happy life. Have You Ever Asked. Is there any meaning to all this?Am I meant for more?What is the purpose of my life? You wouldnt be asking these questions unless deep down inside you knew the answer. You know there is so much more to this. You are meant for so much more. You are here for a purpose. In fact, you already know within you that you have a purpose in life. You also have big dreams and ambitions but for years, they only remained because of fear and uncertainty. Fear Not. In the Life Purpose Mastery Program, you embark on an self exploration journey that will help you discover your path to living a purposeful, fulfilling and abundant life. When you join the Life Purpose Mastery Program, you will1. Have total clarity and a powerful vision for living a purposeful life2. Find your sweet spot in life3. Gain a big dose of motivation to transform your life4. Identify your top values and discover your gifts, talents and passion5. Clear your limiting beliefs and fears that are holding you back from living your best life6. Gain a sense of absolute certainty and confidence in yourself7. Identify the competence and skills that you need to acquire to help you move forward8. Start taking massive action to achieve your desirable result9. Expand your consciousness and accelerate your personal growth10. Find your true divine purpose in life that will guide you towards the right pathIn this program, Tim Huynh takes you through the life purpose mastery formula that comprises of four core areas you need to stabilize to create that purposeful life of your dream. By the end of the program, youll have very clear idea of what lights you up, what youre meant to do on earth and an action plan on how you can achieve it. In other words, you will have absolutely clarity and certainty on how to take every aspect of your life to the next level. There are a total of four modules. Each module is comprised of:1. Recorded audiovisual content sessions with exercises.2. Supporting materials including worksheets and explanatory text.3. Techniques to help you implement whats been taught in the content. MODULE 1 CLARITYIn module 1, you will gain absolute clarity on how to find the sweet spot of life by identifying your values, gifts or talents, passion, vehicle, and impact statement. By the end of this module, you will have a clear vision of what you want your life to look like, a vision thats going to pull you forward in life. Outline:1. Introduction to Module 11.2 Discover Your Core Values1.3 Tapping Into Your Passions1.4 Uncovering Your Hidden Gifts and Talents1.5 Revealing Your Purpose and Creating Impact1.6 The Key to SuccessMODULE 2 CLEARINGIn module 2, you will learn the limiting beliefs and stories that you have been unconsciously carrying with you that are holding you back from living the life that you envision. These limiting beliefs drag you down and suppress you from taking your life to the next level. When you become aware of these limiting stories, they become powerless and you gain the power and freedom back to take control of your life. Outline:2. Introduction to Module 22.1 Clearing the Blockages Holding You Back2.2 GuidedMeditation to Remove Subconscious Blocks MODULE 3 CERTAINTYIn module 3, you will gain absolute certainty that you are on the right path. You will learn how to develop the skills and competence that you need to acquire to achieve your dreams and goals. Outline:3. Introduction to Module 33.1 Building Confidence and Self-Worth to Become Great3.2 Building Resilience To Overcome Anything3.3 Building Competence to Achieve AnythingMODULE 4 CREATIONIn module 4, you develop an action plan of how you can live your life with purpose. By the end of this module, you will walk away with a detailed step-by-step plan of action to get you from where you are to where you want to be. Outline:4. Introduction to Module 44.1 Effective Action Planning To Live Your Ideal Life Faster4.2 Eliminating Procrastination To Become Super Productive4.3 Becoming Committed and Accountable to Your DreamsRegistertodayYouve got big dreams and ambitions. Now, its time to start acting on them.I challenge you to take every aspect of your life to the next level by taking action NOW. With the right formula, everyone can find their purpose in life and live a life of fulfillment and abundance. Its TIME to take action to start living your true lifes purpose. Life is short. Stop wasting time living a dull, stagnant and meani