Learning Path: Elasticsearch and AngularJS: IntraWeb Search

Learning Path: Elasticsearch and AngularJS: IntraWeb Search
Categories: Video Creating, Courses
199.99 USD
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Always wanted to make your AngularJS app more scalable and fast? Thinking of ways to power insanely fast data discovery within your app? Think no more, for this Learning Path guides you how to integrate Elasticsearch - the world renowned scalable and fast open-source search server - with your AngularJS app. Elasticsearch is a search server that also doubles up as a NoSQL data store, and hence provides lightning-fast search functionality within a website. Moreover, you can rapidly scale up a website using Elasticsearch. It is also highly available, meaning that a website would almost never face any downtime or lags, when having an Elasticsearch backend; which is also attributed to its NoSQL nature. AngularJS is a web framework powered by Google, that has revolutionized web development over the past few years. With its advanced and unique 2-way data binding between the data and the UI, strong template-building solutions, code reuse features, allowing the creation of custom DOM elements whenever needed, AngularJS can indeed be said to be the framework of the future. Elasticsearch and AngularJS: IntraWeb Search is Packts Video Learning Path that is a series of individual video products put together in a logical and stepwise manner such that each video builds on the skills learned in the video before it. Firstly, we would be looking at getting started with AngularJS. We will be looking forward to developing a strong foundation in AngularJS by learning the basics, and then moving on to topics such as controllers, templates, routing, and services. Next, we would be studying about Elasticsearch right from the basics, so that our concepts are built well. Moving on, we would be learning about how to create queries to enable searching data in an Elasticsearch data store. Finally, we would be looking in detail at integrating Elasticsearch with an AngularJS application, and improving the search features by tweaking various configurations, so as to boost the overall efficiency and scalability. By the end of this course, you will have developed a strong foundation in Elasticsearch and understood the basics of AngularJS well enough to integrate Elasticsearch with an AngularJS application environment and improve its performance drastically. The goal of this course is to teach you to integrate Elasticsearch with an AngularJS-based app and improve the overall performance and scalability of your application. This course is authored by some of the best in the field. Daniel Beachis a search architect, specializing in client-side application development. He works at OpenSource Connections where he has built search applications for organizations ranging from publishers to government agencies. Mathieu Chauvincis a Managing Director at Red Ape Solutions. He has been involved in web technologies for over a decade, from Django, Node. js, Go, SQL, NoSQL, Mootools, and Angular 2. He has also studied in Karlsruhe University, Germany. He has authored several video courses, such as Learning JavaScript Promises and Introducing Ionic 2.