Learn To Make 3D Games In GameMaker Studio 2

Learn To Make 3D Games In GameMaker Studio 2
199.99 USD
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Learn to go beyond the average GameMakerStudio 2 developer, learn to make 3D games!3D is one of the most difficult and daunting topics inGameMaker Studio 2. The game engine is not designed specifically for 3D games, so many of things must be done in scratch. We will be covering the basics of 3D, so you can truly understand so you can go onto more complicated projects. In this course, you will learn: How to use vertex buffersHow to activate 3D modeHow to create a first person camera, where you can look aroundHow 3D models work inGameMaker Studio 2How to load OBJ models from scratch; Build an. obj loader inGameMaker Studio 2How to put 2D sprites on a 3D perspective2D PerlinNoiseWe will not be covering how to build a 3D collision engine or how to implement skeletal animations. The knowledge in this course was built off of trial and error of using the GameMaker Studio 2 engine, many mistakes were made, and some things taught took months of work. Many people who take this course may decide to either stay for the challenge of making a game in this engine or to even switch to another game engine. The intent of this course is to help you not go through the months of mistakes made and instead get you past the beginner stage so you can progress on building your game. Don’t let this discourage you! Many people starting out using this engine dream of building a 3D game! By knowing how to work with 3D, you will be ahead of many other GameMaker Studio 2 developers!