Learn to Create Facebook Page or Group Post creator bot

Learn to Create Facebook Page or Group Post creator bot
19.99 USD
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So Friends basically we are directly jumping into creating real world Bot. I though why wasting time in creating theoretical course it would be better for students if they work on live project. So in this class you will learn to create a Web automation bot that will Create Post on Facebook pages or groups that you manage or joined. We will use browser automation studio which is available for free. So no need to invest your money in buying other tools. using this Tool is easy and you will be making the software with in no time. If you follow me along. Not only this I Will also Give source code of this bot to all students(Paid only). They just need to message me if they want the source code to practice upon. So Hope to see you in the main class. So What you will be Learning in this Quick Course.1. I will Teach you each command that you will need to use for this project.2. Also Teach You how to Read CSV files for imputing Data into Forms.3. You Will also Learn How to upload image using Command. All This without any technical Knowledge All you need is few hours. Don’t worry you will not find it difficult as I will be teaching in a very simple and easy way. My Full support with be there for each of my student who need me. What is The main Requirement to Get started with this Course. You Need Browser Automation Studio in Which we will be recording our actions this tool is available for free. You just search it in google.