Learn to code with Scratch Programming for Everybody

Learn to code with Scratch Programming for Everybody
189.99 USD
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This course uses the amazing Scratch program developed by MIT to teach coding this courseis meant for:-Everybody that is interested in learning to code, from kids to adults, Scratch was developed by MIT to teach people to code. It is the best way to learn to code that I have been aware of in my lifetime. -Anyone interested in teaching beginning programming as a career or business. Teaching kids to code is becoming big business. Want to start your owncoding academy schoolor get a position as an instructor? They all use Scratch programming, learnScratch here from a University programming instructor-Anyone that already knows how to code that wants to learn from ScratchProgrammingand build some fun games. Why did we get into programming in the first place? Because its fun and Scratch is super fun! No matter your level, you will have fun and learn from Scratch. I know I did and that is what the people at MIT intended. Unlike traditional programming where it can take days of coding just to get something to move around onscreen Scratch lets you create animated graphics and sound in a few minutes, just by dragging blocks around. This puts the focus on concepts andallows you toquicklycreateprogram thus you see concepts in action that would take years to learn in traditional programming language lets thank the great people at MIT for developing this amazing learning tool and its just super funWhile this course is super fun building games in scratch the focus is on learning programming concepts and moving on to Python programming. With over 20 years programming experience and as a University Instructor I teachPython, Java, PHP, C++,I know how to use these amazingtools to instill futureprogrammers with the required skills that they will needfor futureacademic and career success as a programmer. As aspiring programmers learnScratch and startcreating programs, theyll develop a range of coding and problem-solving skills that will help them when they later move onto real-world programming. These include: Manipulatingvariables chunks of computer memory to store and retrieve data. Usingoperatorsto manipulate data. These include arithmetic operators (plus, minus, multiply, divide), as well as comparison operators (less than, equal to, greater than), logic operators (and, or, not), the concatenation operator (for joining strings together), and trigonometry (sine, cosine, tangent and so on).Understandingcontrol flow: the way that computers move through each step in a program. Altering control flow withconditional statementsandloops. Creatingreusable chunks of code, known in Scratch as custom blocks. (In programming-speak theyre known as procedures or subroutines.)Event handling: writingcode that responds to events, such as key presses and mouse clicks. Detecting and responding toreal-world input, including the mouse position, the loudness of the sounds picked up by the computers microphone, and even movement picked up by the webcam! Simplemultimedia programming, including drawing, animation and sound. So come along join this amazingcoursehave incrediblefun with Scratch programming and: Teach or learn programming with your kid. Start Teaching kids Programming as a career orto Build abusiness. or lay thefoundationsto become an expert programmer.