Learn the in-demand job of developer SQL (12h of class)

Learn the in-demand job of developer SQL (12h of class)
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Developer SQL is nowadays a full time assured job, it is an extremely sought after job in the working world. After installing Management Studio and SQL Server you will learn: The creation and definition of a database and a table. Let’s start playing with data with SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT and DELETEDiscover the column aliases and tackle the specificity and secrets of LIKE. Do you know the usefulness of the TOP? Learn how to remove duplicates with the DISTINCT and discover the Comparison operators = != and so onCopying a table with the SELECT INTO. Let’s talk about the IN, NOT IN, IS and IS NOT operators, and Sort your data with ORDER BY. Discover aggregate functions with MIN MAX and AVG and the two operators AND, OR. Let’s discover the specificity of COUNT and SUM and how to SELECT a range of data with the BETWEENGroup several results with the GROUP BYA long chapter of one hour and 30 minutes on joins with INNER JOIN, LEFT/RIGHT JOIN FULL OUTER JOIN and so on. Let’s discover the specificity of UNION and UNION ALL, and the LEFT and RIGHT function. Have you heard of the CHOOSE, TRIM/LTRIM/RTIM? Let’s go even further with Transact SQL with the IIF, CASEWHEN, OFFSETFETCHNEXTROWS. Let’s look at the conversion functions through CAST and CONVERT, TRY CAST and TRY CONVERT. Let’s approach the DATE type functions with DATEADD, DATEDIFF, GETDATE (), EOMONTH. Let’s deepen our knowledge of TSQL even more With IF/ELSE, STRING SPLIT, STUFF, MERGEThe creation and definition of a view and Stored Procedure. The creation and definition of a function, schma and trigger.A very long chapter on RANKING functions such as ROW NUMBER, OVER and PARTITION BY, ROWS /RANGE UNBOUNDED PRECEDING, FIRST and LAST VALUES, LAG and LEAD, ROW NUMBER, DENSE RANK, RANK, NTILE. We will discover a one hour course on CTE (common table expression). So powerful and so little known (I still don’t understand by the way) and the derived table. Do you know the difference between Temporary tables, Variable tables and Global tables?We will do a little performance by discovering the term SARGABLE. And at the end of the course take a virtual interview to prepare for your future interview on SQL Start out more confident by tackling all these theoretical questions, so that you can face an interview on SQL. You go to an interview, you don’t really know what to review beforehand, this is a summary of the most frequently asked questions. For example: What is a primary key? what is an index? What is the difference between OLAPand OLTP? Do you know the COALLESCEfunction? or how do you remove duplicates with your query? Important points about this course This course covers all SQL Server versions, even SQL Server 2019.This online course is 12h00 hours of demo and 30 minutes of theory. Theory is in the classroom, not in this course: )I made sure that the videos are not too soporific, and that they don’t exceed 10 minutes. Taking this course will help you to stand out technically from your colleagues, or during a job interview. This course will help you to pass the Microsoft certifications 70-461 and 70-761 concerning the Transact SQL (From SELECT query to advanced SQL. Exams for SQL Server 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2019) If you really want to become more proficient in TSQL, frankly you won’t find anywhere else a course as in-depth as this one, I can guarantee it!