Learn Terminal of Mac OS from beginning

Learn Terminal of Mac OS from beginning
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This course will help you to gain more knowledge about accessing the Terminal in Mac OS and how to get advantages with terminal. As a developer, content creator, or maybe in any specialty, they all may need to access Terminal regularly. Through this course, I will bring you knowledge from the beginning. Navigation in TerminalOpen new Terminal windows and tabsPathfindingCorrect typing errors in Terminal on MacDrag items into a Terminal window on MacUse window groupsHow to see current files and folders in the current pathHow to see hidden files and foldersHow to open filesHow to make foldersHow to make text filesHow to delete foldersHow to delete filesKeyboard shortcuts in Terminal on MacIn mac os, to create a text file, using terminal to do that is very easier. As a programmer, use of terminal is required. By learning terminal, you can improve your programming skills too. To run a program, to create a new file, terminal brings you more power than using GUI. When doing networking, terminal is also required. If you use Xcode in your mac, usage of terminal is very special! If you using Android Studio, you may need terminal knowledge and if you doing Node. JS terminal is also required. There are many contents are coming soon.