SDET Essentials Course is designed for Automation Testers who want to go next Level as SDET/Test Architect/DevOps/Full Stack QA Automation Engineers. This course covered advanced topics like CI, CD, Jenkins, Maven, Docker, AWS etc. What you’ll learnUnderstand and Implement Docker to provide virtualization Environments for Automation TestsBuild Json/Xml on fly from JDBC Query results with Jackson API and POJO implementationUnderstand Jenkin pipelines scripting for CI/CDComplete knowledge on latest Java Streams and lambda expressions for Interview prepParsing Json files into Java objects to feed into web Automation testsHow to monitor server logs dynamically with javaUnderstanding GIT commands in depth versioncontrolCourse Outline-1)Dockerization, integrating with Selenium 2)Selenium Grid with Docker3)Selenium Grid, Docker Integration with Jenkins4)Sauce Labs & BrowserStack5)Apache MavenWhat is Maven?What are Advantages of Maven?What is pom. xml? What is dependency & plugin?Create a Maven project in EclipseMaven Project folder structureProject Object Model(pom. xml)Maven Build Life CycleHow to integrate Selenium with maven Project in Eclipse?How to Run Selenium Tests in Eclipse using Maven?Maven Surefire PluginHow to generate Maven report?How to install & Setup Maven on Windows?How to run Maven Project from command line(CLI)?Maven Commands6)GIT version control system - CommandsGit InitGit CloneGit BranchGit CheckoutGit AddGit CommitGit PushGit PullGit DiffGit StashGit StatusGit LogGit Merge7)Git & GitHub - Commit, Push, Pull, Branching, Pull Request & Merging8) Jenkins CI & CD9)Jenkins Pipeline Setups using Plugins10)Jenkins Pipeline Creation using Groovy Script11)JDBC & ODBC12)AWS for Testers13)ZeleniumI will add more content in future. Stay tune.