Learn Modern Holodeck Theory

Learn Modern Holodeck Theory
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This course introduces the student to Modern Holodeck theory. Firstly I introduce the types of volumetric display. Then I discuss the types of Holodeck and describe in detail each type. Static scene Holodecks, single user scrolling scene Holodecks, networked multi-user Holodecks and multi-user Holodecks. In the process I introduce the student to different types of technology for instance photon creation spatial light modulators and bend light volumetric displays which uses triangulated moments to setup tiny reflect planes. I also introduce a type of touch with magnetic moment technology and the use of tight fitting diamagnetic suits and then I introduce spatial sound modulators which create a sound at a point in 3D space. On each Holodeck type I discuss the basics of operation from walking onto a projected terrain to using photon creation spatial light modulators for a lighting model for the type of Holodeck. The fundamental concept that I want to get across is a new type of Volumetric Display which uses bend light a bend light volumetric display which uses meta-atoms offset from the emitter in order to create tiny reflect planes to reflect light at the colour of the object being displayed. The goal of the course is to get this work out to the masses for discussion and to get this technology onto the market some time in the future.