Learn Java 8 New Features

Learn Java 8 New Features
2599 INR
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Update: New lectures added on Java 8 List Improvements-Update: New lectures added on Java 8 CompletableFuture-Update: New lectures added on Java 8 Optional Feature-In this course, you will learn all the new features introduced by Java 8. Here is what you will achieve at the end of this course: You will have a good understanding of Java 8 conceptsBe able to write code that uses Java 8 features like lambdas and streamsBe able to participate in developing real world Java projects using Java 8 featuresBe able to face Java interviews with confidenceWhat this course covers: It teaches you all Java 8 features like Streams, Lambdas, DateTime API, to name a fewIt teaches Java 8 using Eclipse which is a powerful Java IDE Why choose this course: The course uses simple, easy to understand languageCode samples are provided at the end of each topicSimple assignments for each topicPractice tests to test the concepts learnt