Learn How To Self Healing For Sedentary Lifestyle

Learn How To Self Healing For Sedentary Lifestyle
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Our bodies were not designed to sit for long periods of time, yet most of us are guilty of sitting too much. Regardless of our age or occupation, we sit in front of a screen far more frequently than we should be. If we are lacking of movement, the body will lack of circulation, the brain will get stress even faster because lack of oxygen. The face muscles are tight, the eyes are strain, red and tired easily due to long hours exposure to the blue light from the digital screen. The shoulders, neck, back & hip are tense and weak because no circulation happens and slowly these lead to body aches and pain. All those surely will impact the quality of our life and our work. We become lack of creativity, hard to think, feeling down or emotionally unstable and would affect the state of the mental health. Take some rest and do the right exercises in between your works is important. In this course, Iwill guide you some simple easy self care methods from healing through your face based on Dien Chan Facial MultiReflex methods to easy yoga exercises at your desk, simple self acupressure massage to easy breathe work practice. I know that everyone is having a busy lifestyles now, so I designed the course in a simple way, showing & guiding you without over delivering unnecessary. This course is for everyone who wants a healthier working or studying lifestyle, unstuck your body from poor circulation, prevent body pain or illness. And this course also for people who want to learn more about facial multireflexology, yoga and self care treatment." When the body is happy, the mind will follow and creativity will flow “Join me in learning & practicing on how to make you body happy.