Learn C4D and Photoshop - Graphic Poster

Learn C4D and Photoshop - Graphic Poster
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Welcome back, everyone! This class is divided into two moments: in the first one, we will make a poster, in the second one, we will use this same poster as a cloth. In the first part, I will guide you through the making of an abstract fountain with C4D and photoshop. Please make sure you follow the step-by-step guide, and also feel free to explore in the meantime. We will create the fountain first, then the drops, then explore the possibilities of creating materials with the alpha channel. Then, we will move on to photoshop to create a background gradient as well as some diffuse light on our image. In the second moment, I will guide you through the making of cloth posters with C4D. To do so, we will use the image we created in the first moment and use this one as a cloth. Please make sure you follow the step-by-step guide, and also feel free to explore in the meantime. This class aims to teach you the basics of this two software, but mainly you should aim to be playful with them! We will create the object where the poster will collide first, then create our cloth, then play with material and create an interesting scene. Let’s do this! You will find the HDRI studio in the description, and I look forward to seeing your projects!