This is a Leadership course that is designed to build the next generation of entrepreneurs, in this course you will gain insights on your leadership style and how you can develop your leadership further. The course cover quick brief on the following leadership topics:1- Leadership and Empathy. 2- Leadership and Team Building. 3- Leadership and Vision. 4- Leadership and Positivity. 5- Leadership and Decision Making. 6- Leadership and Communication. 7- Leadership Selection. 8- Leadership and Followers. 9- Leadership and Performance. 10- Leadership and Strategy. 11- Leadership and Talent. 12- Leadership and Building your Own Space. 13- Leadership and Ethics. 14- Leadership and Knowledge. 15- Leadership and Loyalty. 16- Leadership and Alliances. 17- Leadership and Politics.18- Leadership and Inspiration. 19- Leadership and Knowing Yourself. The course is designed to build the next generation of entrepreneurs, It will provide young leaders of great insights in their leadership style and help young entrepreneurs find their path through the entrepreneurship ended education course. Feras Naser is a grassroot leader who has built his online group FerasNaser Dot com from scratch, he is an entrepreneur who has built a business and sold a business then built an online group called FerasNaser Dot com. He is the pioneer of the entrepreneurship ended education course where he direct young people and organizations to develop their strategy by adopting a group of innovation seeds and innovation streams.