Kundalini: Practice Chakra Balancing & Kundalini Awakening

Kundalini: Practice Chakra Balancing & Kundalini Awakening
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Kundalini- Practice Chakra Balancing & Kundalini AwakeningRaise Kundalini Shakti, Kundalini yoga, Kundalini Awakening Techniques, Explore Kundalini to awaken your full potentialThe basic premise is to encourage the flow of Kundalini energy up the spine and toward the top of the headthe crown chakrathus projecting your awareness into the higher heavenly dimensions of the universe. The result is an indescribable expansion of consciousness into spiritual realms beyond form and thought. This Kundalini Awakening Course is for everyone who wants to learn about the mysterious phenomenon of kundalini and use it to reach the pinnacle of human development - enlightenment. The Kundalini Awakening is also for those who are going through an involuntary awakening and seeking help to alleviate their symptoms and make the best of this event. Kundalini is a power that identifies the springing up of power and focus, which has been coiled at the base of the spine because of the start and is the source of the lifestyle pressure (pranic energy, chi, bio-strength) . Yogic science shows that this energy caused the formation of the kid within the womb and then coils three instances at the bottom of the backbone to preserve the strong discipline in stasis till we die when it uncoils and returns to its supply. With the help of the Kundalini, we can open us and experience the life around us more directly and in a process of identification. The Kundalini teaches us to see the beauty, but our dark sides as well and to accept them. It teaches, urges, forces us to correct them. It brings light into the twilight of our soul. In this light it is possible to come closer to the divine principle. With every step that we take, the divine cosmic consciousness comes three steps closer to us. If we are ready, we can also sense the proximity of the divine, even perceive it as the goddess in appearance of our Shakti or as a male spiritual guide. Kundalini teaches in different waysKundalini Energy! When we awaken her infinite Shakti power for the first time, we receive a spiritually enlightening experience that can last for days. We then realize who we are something much bigger than before. We see we are this energy, enthusiasm, inspiration and begin to realize we are responsible for the divine creation of our life exactly the way it is. Kundalini is the supreme cosmic enlightening energy that resides inside us, deep at the core of our being. Kundalini is the most powerful force in the Universe, and brings enlightenment to our world. Your Kundalini awakens the manifesting being in your life! Anything you wish to manifest is possible with an awakened Kundalini. The Kundalini goes against the force of gravity. It rises on its own, like fire. It purifies, consumes and cleanses all that is useless (ideas, desires, feelings that take us away from spirituality). It doesnt absorb imperfectionsit removes them. This is why we sometimes feel heat. What Is Kundalini Awakening Energy?Kundalini is an nrg, whih i tied t th niun. Coiled within th bd, it rmin dormant in the sleeping bd. Thi h-iritul force i wknd through vriu iritul rti, ftn tid to g. Kundlini i tied t th hkr, residing in the rt hkr. Oftn related t a rnt, it will rise up frm the b f th in whn wknd. A th Kundalini ri, it will pass thrugh each chakra or energy ntr, rting a high-energy fr throughout th ntir body. Kundalini Yoga i the mt common rti in which t wkn the power. Althugh much f th hitr f Kundlini itd practices i unknwn, thr is m vidn that mntin h bn md of th nrg fr in many nint txt. Found in writing frm the Tibtn, Chin, Egyptians, and Native Amrin, there i l rfrn t this t f wr in the Bibl and the Qurn. What you will Learn from this Kundalini Course? What Is Kundalini Awakening Energy? Kundalini Awakening Benefits Kundalini Awakening Symptoms Kundalini Awakening Mantra Kundalini Yoga Asanas & Mudras Kundalini Awakening Technique Step By Step Chakra Kundalini Meditation How To Know If Kundalini Is Awake Pranayama Kundalini Yoga Breathing Techniques Preparation for Kundalini Activation What Happens When Kundalini Is Awakened Chakras & the Kundalini Benefits to Awakening Kundalini Signs of Kundalini Awakening Kundalini Awakening Techniques Troubleshooting Your Awakening How To Do Kundalini meditationThough Kundalini awakening is the greatest prize on the spiritual quest, the blessed soul receiving this grace is on its way to the realization of the highest, the awakening and its attendant process of renewal is not without peril. When the dormant or potential aspect of the Kundalini arises, Her single intent is the transformation of individual consciousness with its vehicles - mind and body - into fully expanded Consciousness of the Divine. That process of transformation and purification is marked by both beatific sublime experiences of the Divine, as well as by dark nights of the soul, by physical, emotional and mental states of ecstasy as well as periods of purgation and distressKundalini and ChakrasA chakra is thought to be an energy node in the human body. The word