Kubernetes for web developers - hands on examples

Kubernetes for web developers - hands on examples
119.99 USD
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This course is created following the feedback on my Docker course. Kubernetes appeared to be the next logical step to explore, and once having the containers, came the time to understand how to orchestrate them. If you are already familiar with containers concepts, and you would also like to learn how to orchestrate them, then this course is for you. Since I was looking for something practical and fast enough in order to test the orchestration concepts I choose the microk8s environment. Please be assured that all the commands running with microk8s environment are also valid Kubernetes commands, so the examples provided behave the same way as if they run on a production Kubernetes cluster. This course will give you the opportunity to: develop straight from your console / terminaluse microk8s, which offers the lightest possible Kubernetes distribution for testing on your own machine. This means you wont need a special hosting or a powerful server in order to work with the provided examplesgain stability and assurance that you can apply the learned skills in practiceharness the power of Kubernetes in order to manage web applicationsAll the videos show hands on approaches, so you’ll just need to follow on and try the examples at your own pace. At the same time in order to explain the concepts in the environment of Kubernetes I will guide you through the lectures’ content. In case you need further theoretical background, I advise you to check the official Kubernetes documentation. As you might have projects requiring a specific setup, you can use the course material as a base from which you can start, customize and build on, adapting the examples to your own needs. Additionally you will learn how to build Docker images, and I am sure you will enjoy the course if you like to self experiment. What you’ll need in order to start with the course: Basic knowledge of Docker in order to fully understand the examples The course is useful for: web developers, who would like to enter in the world of containers and orchestrationanyone, who wants to try these modern concepts in practice on their local machineweb enthusiasts, who want to transfer their project workloads on KubernetesI am staying open for questions on the implementations provided. Please, enjoy and see you soon! UPDATE: The Course material is now compatible with Ubuntu, Windows and Mac operating systems!