Kickstart your thesis with a perfect research question

Kickstart your thesis with a perfect research question
24.99 EUR
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In this course, I look forward to guiding you through the process of choosing a topic for your thesis and then fleshing it out to arrive at your research question. In this process, I’ll walk you through a few workshops that will help you to achieve this goal and get some broader understanding what a research question is about and why it matters to have a good one. At the end, you will have a good research question. And this is huge. This is a solid base for the rest of your thesis. Its your foundationand you want to make sure that you have a good foundation always. In that respect, it pays off to invest a little bit of time here, put a little bit more thought into it. Because if you are satisfied with your research question and if it meets the scientific requirements, then actually not so much can go wrong further down the road. Put differently, a good research question will be a compass throughout your thesis journey and it will also keep you motivated. And I can tell you, after having supervised hundreds to students and after conducting and publishing hundreds of scientific studies on my own: You want every bit of guidance that you can get. Because doing research means stepping into the unknown. You need that guiding light to move efficiently and effectively!