Kafka is an open source distributed event streaming platform. It is currently used by thousands of companies as it can handle huge volume and high velocity of data. It is currently managed by Apache Software Foundation. This particular course does not need any prior knowledge of anything. You will learn everything about Kafka from scratch. We are going to learn the below as part of this course. What is Kafka? What are the different Advantages of Kafka? What are the different Disadvantages of Kafka?A detailed comparison of Kafka with Traditional Messaging Systems ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ etc. The various use cases where we should use KafKaThe various use cases where we should not use KafkaUnderstand Key Kafka Concepts - Kafka Cluster, Kafka Brokers, Events, Producers, Topics, Partitions, Offsets, Consumer, Consumer Groups, Consumer Offsets etcUnderstand the concept of Topic ReplicationUnderstand how Kafka stores the messagesUnderstand the Message Retention concept of KafkaA very basic understanding of Kafka StreamsA very basic understanding of Kafka ConnectorsUnderstand the significance of Zookeeper with respect to KafkaA very basic understanding of Kafka SecurityHow to install Kafka in your personal laptop/desktop. How to start Zookeeper and Kafka Broker in the Terminal using the command line tools provided as part of the Kafka Installation. How to Create Topics, List Topics, Describe Topics and Delete Topics using the kafka-topics script which is provided as part of the Kafka Installation. How to publish messages to Kafka Topics using the kafka-console-producer script which is provided as part of the Kafka. How to consume messages from Kafka Topics using the kafka-console-consumer script which is provided as part of the Kafka. How to set up Multi Broker ClusterHow to perform Topic Replication and Check Fault ToleranceHow to read Read consumer offsets TopicHow to Configure Message Retention at Topic level