Java 7 & Java 8 new features with Lambdas & Streams

Java 7 & Java 8 new features with Lambdas & Streams
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‘Java 7 & 8 new features, enhancements Zero to Master’ course will help in understanding all the new features from Java 7 and 8 releases. In this course we will discuss all the new features in detail both in theory and coding. Special attention and explanation given to all the major features like Lambda Expressions, Streams, JODA Date time, Default & Static methods, Optional, Method References, Functional Interfaces, Try-With-Resources statement in this course. During the course discussion, each feature will be covered first with theory explanation followed by a detailed code walkthrough and execution. You have a flexibility to skip any feature that you already know since the course is organized in such a way where skipping a known feature will not impact other sections/lectures. All the material discussed in the course will be provided to all the enrolled students along with a GitHub repository details where the entire code discussed in the course is maintained. Each section is followed by a quiz to test your understanding at regular intervals. Below are the features that we will discuss in this course, Java 7 new featuresTHE TRY-WITH-RESOURCES STATEMENTSUPPRESSED EXCEPTIONSCATCHING MULTIPLE EXCEPTIONSRETHROWING EXCEPTIONS WITH TYPE CHECKINGEASIER EXCEPTION HANDLING FOR REFLECTIONSOBJECTS CLASS & CHECKSCLOSE METHOD INSIDE URLCLASSLOADERENHANCEMENTS TO FILES & DIRECTORIESWATCHSERVICEBINARY LITERALSSTRING IN SWITCH STATEMENTTYPE INFERENCE/DIAMOND OPERATORUSING UNDERSCORE IN NUMERIC LITERALSJDBC IMPROVEMENTSJava 8 new featuresDEFAULT METHODS IN INTERFACESSTATIC METHODS IN INTERFACESOPTIONAL TO DEAL WITH NULLSLAMBDA () EXPRESSIONFUNCTIONAL INTERFACEMETHOD REFERENCESCONSTRUCTOR REFERENCESSTREAMS APINEW DATE AND TIME API(JODA)COMPLETABLEFUTUREMAP ENHANCEMENTSOTHER MISCELLANEOUS UPDATES