IoT Data Analytics

IoT Data Analytics
1299 INR
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Welcome to IoT Data Analytics Course. This is practical course to learn IoT and Data Analytics from the beginning. Learn how to program NOdeMCU (ESP8266), collecting data and data analysis. There are billions of devices in homes, industries, cities, hospitals, cars, and thousands of other places. With the rapid increase of devices, you increasingly need solutions to connect them, and collect, store, and analyze device data. Data in its raw form is not always useful. Data need to be processed to transform into information. In this course, you will learn how to collect and analyse sensor data. You will learn, data processing, data visualization and machine learning algorithms for predictive analytics. The following are the various topics covered in this training: Introduction to Internet of Things (IoT)Getting started with Arduino ProgrammingLearn to work with NodeMCU (ESP8266 based IoT Board)Collecting Data from sensors locallySending Sensor Data to IoT Cloud (Thingspeak)Introduction to MATLABData AnalysisData VisualizationMachine LearningYou’ll get to practice the skills learned during the training, by doing more than five projects on Internet of Things (IoT) and Data analytics. Hands on ProjectsSending Light Sensor Values to IoT CloudSending Temperature and Humidity Values to IoT CloudSensor Data VisualizationEnergy savings with Anomaly Detection using Z-Score AnalysisCorrelation between Temperature and Humidity and RegressionTemperature Prediction using Polynomial RegressionWhat am I going to get from this course?Build IoT projects for sensor data collectionApply the fundamentals of machine learning and statistics to extract value from IoT dataUnderstand different business use-cases for IoT data