Introduction To AirCrete

Introduction To AirCrete
99.99 USD
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Introduction Course Teaching You Quickly And Concisely How To Make & Build With This Amazing Forgiving Insulating Building MaterialFirst, What is AirCrete? AirCrete is cement inflated 6 times in volume. This creates a beautiful forgiving, carvable, structural building material that also insulates. It allows you to put a the structure & insulation for $8 to $9 dollars per square foot; depending on where you live and the cost of local building materials. Its my goal to move you as quickly as possible to understanding how to make AirCrete and how to stack it into a dome for a home, studio, or storage building. I am not going to give you 25 hours of video or mix the subject with other subjects, like stacking dirt bags. Ifocus on the elementary components of the process and show you every step of the way. If you want THE most recent updates & best pricing please visit tinygiantlife [dot] biz/build-your-own-aircrete-home/When Complete you WILL be capable of building your own structures shell. My Story: Some years ago Igot involved in permaculture. It is a agraculture design science that can build a permanent culture or society. In that Isaw the beauty of a life without the rush of our current society. This got me to start thinking about applying an intentional design process to the way Ilive. Over the course of many years of building and testing every idea under the sun. Iwas able to create a lifestyle that lets me work on things Ilove 40 hours or so per month in various construction trades. Yes Isaid month. Iam able to travel the world and stay out of the country for 3 months at a time. Ihave used my abundant time to follow a path of self growth. Eventually, Igrew enough to follow my passion for the money Ineed. How This Story Applies To This Course: Ihave worked in construction for over 30 years. Ihave tried every alternative building type: Earth ship, rammed earth, adobe, cob, straw bale, light clay straw, truss wall, and conventional. AirCrete is the single best way Ihave found to quickly build a beautiful elegant artful home. It requires a hand full of tools, cement, water, and power. All of which can be thrown in a truck or delivered anywhere. For $38+per square foot, with appliances, a single person can have a starter home shell up in 14+ days.I believe everyone, at any income level, is entitled to have a home and live well. Thriving, not surviving. Infact, a highly committed and self disciplined person making minimum wage can have a tiny starter home on their own lot in as little as 1 year. Setting you free from rent and mortgage for the rest of your life. What would you do with the extra money from rent or mortgage if it was in your hand to spend right now? Buy nice things? Save up and travel? Work less? Start a business? You see its this very thing Iam passionate about. Building your own home gives you the step one from which you can move your life in the direction of your heat! Its the foundation.