industrial Automation Course

industrial Automation Course
19.99 USD
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The most important of the most important courses for electrical engineers is the Classic Control course because it simply puts you at the beginning of the real practical path in the field of electricity, so it does not matter what your major is. This course is considered one of the basics that you should be familiar with practical and theoretical about it as it does not contain graphic charts that are practically useless But it shows you what you need to learn for your working life. Course Content: 1 Intro. to Classic Control and Modern Control2 Control Concept. 3 Classic Control Circuit (Power Circuit & Control Circuit). 4 Basic Components in a Classic Control Circuits. 5 Difference bet. Contactor and Relay. 6 Difference bet. C.B. and Fuse. 7 Timers. 8 Three phase Induction Motor and Overview about starting methods (Star Delta in details). 9 Sensors. 10 All about CADe SIMU. 11 Application more than 20 Circuits. 12 Overview about Automation Studio SIM.13 how to control of your motor automatically. and much more. Why this course is Powerful and Unique? this course is on most of the educational platforms which can get you from academical information to the real world career as it gets you - step by step - to understand how to be able to build a complete control system (calculation for each component, and designing power and control circuit for it).