Incredible Selling

Incredible Selling
1299 INR
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Hello friends if you want to be paid for your passion, live large, acquire massive success, and generate enormous wealth in your life, welcome to a brilliant course entitled Incredible Selling. One cannot generate wealth without selling. Incredible salespersons are those who do not want to live average life. They believe in creating their destiny having enormous wealth. They attract massive success in their life and make their presence felt to the world around them. This course is designed to transform an average person into an incredible salesperson who has the tremendous ability to generate extraordinary sales revenue and earnings for his organization as well as for himself. This course is compiled in 4 modules, Module one puts the light on valuable selling concepts, marketing vs sales, personal selling vs advertising, core process of sales, golden rules of sales, and customers buying motives. Module 2 focuses on personal preparation of incredible salespeople. It concentrates on various attributes and skills of a salesperson, which constitutes personal characteristics, sales attitude, knowledge, ability to reposition the products or service, and ability to close the sales. In module 3, eight pure scientific and sequential steps are dealt in detail, which incredible salespeople are following in the direct selling process. These eight sequential steps are customers prospecting, seeking appointments, sales presentation, sales demonstration, sales negotiation, closing the sales, servicing the sales, and sales follow-up. Module 4 is putting light on Indirect selling scenario, and various skills required in developing and managing the productive dealer network for the company. In this module the participants will learn about how to build strategic business partnerships with channel partners, and how to provide sales leverage and after sales services to them. If you really want to create your wonderful destiny with full of abundance, just click and register for this wonderful course entitled incredible selling.