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lk Kursumda kalem seimi, kalem tutuu, kat kullanm, yakn uzak ilikisi, tmsek ukur fark, tonlamalar, k ve glge ayrca Perspektif nedir ve eitlerini rendik. Ayrca perspektif taktiklerini rendik. Bu 2. Kursumda renmi olduumuz Perspektif kurallarn, tonlama, k ve golgelendirmeleri Obje-nesne izerken srekli kullanacaz. Obje ve nesne izimlerini bitirdiimizde bu izimlere ek olarak tonlama, glge yada renklendirme yapacaz. Srekli farkl ekilde almaya zen gstereceiz. Basitten zora doru izimlerimiz olacak. lk Kursumda gzel ilgi olutu bu beni ok memnun etti. Arkadalar bu kursta da mesaj ile istediinizi sorabilirsiniz, sizin istediiniz obje izimi de yapabiliriz. Amacmz elenceli dersler oluturmak. Kurs ne kadar elenceli olursa o kadar keyif alnr ve o kadar ok istekle alma olur. Tabiki sonucunda da o kadar iyi iler ortaya kar. Bu kurs sonunda teknik izimi, analitik dnmeyi, ayrntl bakmay reneceiz.3 Boyutlu izim zaten kendi bana merak uyandran bir izim olmutur. Gerekilii hissettirmek, Perspektifin nemini ortaya karmaktadr. Arkadalar bu kursta renilecek her nokta size hayat boyu lazm olacak. Mhendislik, mimarlk, retmenlik, resim snavlar, meslek liseleri gibi her alanda karmza kmaktadr. Resim insana her ynden pozitif enerji ykler. Resim bamllktr. Resim inceliktir. Resim hassasiyettir. Resim ayrntdr. Resim renklerin uyumudur. Resim gze ho grnmektir. Resim sanattr. Resim saygdr. Arkadalar her zaman sanatla kaln-In my first course, we learned pencil selection, pencil holding, paper use, close-distance relationship, bump-pit difference, intonations, light and shadow, what is Perspective and its types. We also learned perspective tactics. We will constantly use the Perspective rules, intonation, light and shadows that we learned in this 2nd Course while Drawing Objects. When we finish the object and object drawings, we will make toning, shadow or coloring in addition to these drawings. We will always try to work in a different way. We will have drawings from simple to difficult. There was a good interest in my first course, which made me very happy. Friends, in this course, you can ask what you want by message, we can also draw the object you want. Our goal is to create fun lessons. The more fun the course is, the more enjoyable it is and the more willingness to study. Of course, good things come out as a result. At the end of this course, we will learn technical drawing, analytical thinking and looking in detail. 3D Drawing has already been an intriguing drawing on its own. Making you feel realism reveals the importance of Perspective. Friends, every point learned in this course will be needed for life. It appears in every field such as engineering, architecture, teaching, painting exams, vocational high schools. Painting gives positive energy to people in every way. Painting is addictive. The picture is subtle. Picture is precision. The picture is the detail. The picture is the harmony of colors. The picture is pleasing to the eye. Painting is art. Image is respect. Friends always stay with art.