A Course to learn how to connect with Pure Consciousness! Created to help both secular and non-secular learners take at least one step towards enlightenment/moksha/self-realization/liberation and Oneness. At the very least, the student will learn a way to reach his/her own Higher Self/“Deep I” and transcend the Ego’s limitations that put most of us in an regular (and often endless) cycle of pain and suffering. Ancient scripture from especially Vedic texts and also compared with Buddhism will be discussed for experiential learning to apply in our modern-day context. A useful course for helping people achieve peace from the Awareness of the True Higher Self working through each person. Will be especially beneficial to those familiar and/or curious about learning and meditation to reach “the peace that passes all understanding.” This concept has been expressed by saints, sages, swamis and gurus, as well as philosophers, poets, artists and mystics from every region of the world and is the reason for creating a simple course teaching this shared goal for the purpose of “Unity Consciousness.” All taught with light energy, enthusiasm, encouragement, and compassion for each learner’s unique journey. This course is to show learners that you do not need to stop enjoying life’s pleasures to enjoy Spirituality!