How To Spin & Turn Like a Pro (In Any Dance)

How To Spin & Turn Like a Pro (In Any Dance)
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Learn the difference between the toe, point, ball and flat footHint: knowing which to use when spinning is the pro’s secret to amazing spins and turnsThe 4 types of spins (in any dance!)The secret that professionals know is that there are fundamentally only 4 ways to spin. everything is just a variation of these 4.How to improve your balanceThis is the main difference between a pro and amateur. If you’ve ever seen someone look “try-hard” when they attempt spins, this is the reason. They tried to do it without proper balance. In this course you’re going to learn how to balance properly. Two of the best drills are included. The major spinning mistake we see in amateurs (this makes professionals cringe)There’s this one thing that non-professionals do with their arms when they try to spin or turn, and it really makes you look cringey. It’s important to avoid it for anything less than quadruple spins. What do with your arms during a spinKnowing what to do with your arms during a spin can make or break your spinning. Swivels - a professional’s best secretSwivels are kind of like a “mini-spin”, and what many dancers don’t know is that professionals use swivels in almost every single step and figure you can imagine. Even if you think that the figure involves no turning, trust me, a professional uses “swivel technique” to make it look good. It’s just invisible to the untrained eye.== Bonus Section ==Learn the spiral turn- The most elegant turn seen in ballroom dancingLearn to do a proper heel turn- Crucial for waltz and tango dancersHow to speed up your spinsThe first way to impress everyone on the dancefloor with your spins is if you do them as smoothly as a professional, and that’s what the secrets in this course were about. The second way is to have lighting-fast speeds in your spinning that make people gasp. This video reveals professional secrets to speeding up your spins.