How to Set Up a Walmart to eBay Dropshipping Business

How to Set Up a Walmart to eBay Dropshipping Business
Categories: Video Creating, Courses
19.99 USD
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Enroll in this courseandlearn how toset up a successfuleBay Drop-Shippinghome-based business using Walmart as your source of products. Mostcourses on eBay Drop-shipping focus on sourcing products from Amazon. With so many sellers dropshipping from Amazon and competition very high, some people prefer other sources. This course focuses on a less saturated market of sourcing products from Walmart which means there will be also a smaller competition. This course is made for anyone who wants someextra incomeand ahome-based side businesswhich can be managed from anywhere in the worldwithout a physical store or inventory. You can remain an employee and run this business in your spare time or go into the eBay Drop-shipping business full-time. The course will take you step-by-step from the simplest details to the most advanced techniques ofe-Commerce and eBay Drop-shipping from Walmart. You will learn how toopenyoureBay andPayPal accounts andsourcehot products from Walmartto sell profitably on eBay, You will discover how to configure your eBay account and eBay Store and automate your business with easy-to-useDrop-shipping Software Automation. You will learn how to save money, protect yourself from risk andstart making a profit. All you will need to take this course is a computer (desktop or laptop), an internet connection, a few hours a week and an open mind to learn something new. This course will be useful to youatany stage in life, whether you are just joining the work-force or way past retirement. This course is a work in progress. we will be adding new materials on a regular basis so that it will be useful for all eBay drop-shippers, from theabsolute newbie beginner to the experienced eCommerce merchant. The course will include videos, presentations, easy-to-follow summaries and bonus materials for those serious about becoming a successful eBay Drop-shipper from Walmart. We will share the techniques, tips and tricks which successful businessmanAviv Malkauses to become aTop-RatedeBay Drop-shipperandPlatinum Level eBay Sellerwith over $350,000 of sales in this past year. David Levine, aneBay Entrepreneur, Dropshipper & Trainerwill be teaching the course based on Aviv’s techniques (and as the native English Speaker in the team will respond to most of the Student Questions).If you want to save countless hours of trial and error by setting up an eBay Drop-shipping business from Walmarton your own AND start earning money in your spare time, thenENROLL in this course. Aviv Malka(eBay Platinum Level Seller)David Levine(Trainer & eBay Entrepreneur)