How to Master the Law of Attraction

How to Master the Law of Attraction
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Are you tired of living your life struggling, settling, and merely making it through the day?Do you want to change your life but don’t know how?Do you want to be a conscious co-creator of your life?Do you want to free yourself of fear, worry, and doubt about the future?Do you want the good that you desire to manifest with ease and grace?If your answer to any of those questions is Yes, then this is absolutely the course for you! How to Master the Law of Attraction is a powerful online course that will teach you everything you need to know to fully master the Law of Attraction, allowing the manifestation of all of the good that you desire to happen with ease and grace. The course was created by Daniel Roquo, a spiritual teacher, healer, and counselor who, for a number of years, has guided individuals from all over the world to move into alignment with the sacred laws that govern our Cosmos. Through the more than 100 powerful lessons and over 16 hours of video of this course, you will learn: the fundamental principles of the Law of Attractionhow to catch a great and grand vision for your lifewhat vibrational alignment is and how to reach itthe importance of repetition the importance of engaging in inspired actionhow to overcome fear and doubt when they strikeCourse Syllabus Section 1 - The Law of AttractionThe lessons in this section go deep into what the Law of Attraction is and its fundamental principles. The foundation for mastering the Law of Attraction is understanding how it operates, as it is only through understanding that you may begin to consciously think, feel, and act in a way that evokes the Law of Attraction to work for you rather than against you. In this first section, you will learn all about the principles of the Law of Attraction. Section 2 - Everything emerges from within youThe Law of Attraction is really only a linguistic convenience as nothing is ever as much attracted into your life as it emerges from within you and from the depths of your consciousness. Consciousness always precedes form, and so it is what you predominantly think, even more importantly, what you feel that calls forth your experiences into your life. After having gone through the lessons in this section, you will know what this means so that you can begin to be the masterful co-creator of your life that you are meant to be, allowing for all the good that you desire to begin to manifest with ease and grace. Section 3 - Independent thinkingMost people do not think. They simply allow whatever is suggested to them by the world to determine where they place their attention. This is the reason why so many individuals experience so much negativity in their lives and why they feel they need to depend on luck, chance, or the mercy of some anthropomorphic God or Spirit. The very first step in Mastering the Law of Attraction is to learn how to think independently of any and all circumstances and conditions. This is the beginning of the freedom and of the conscious co-creation that is your birthright. And this is what you will learn in the lessons in this particular section. Section 4 - The Creative ProcessIn the lessons of this section, we will go through the four stages of the creative process; vision, intention, willingness, and vibrational alignment. Having a clear understanding of these four stages will assist you in knowing where you may need to go to work if what manifests in your life is not in alignment with what you desire. So that you can get right back on track. Section 5 - The VisionAs everything begins in and with thought, becoming a conscious co-creator of your life, calling forth all the good that you desire - this is where it all begins. With you catching a big and mighty vision or a dream for your life. This is where you tune in to your heart’s desire and give it permission to manifest in your life. This is not about what you think is reasonable, or logical, or possible. This is not even about what you can imagine, but this goes beyond the limited confines of your imagination. This vision or dream will be your guiding light through life, and so you truly want to catch a great, grand, and beautiful vision. This is what every lesson in this section is designed to assist you with. Section 6 - Guided meditationThe lesson in this section is a guided meditation designed to support you in catching that Highest Vision for your life. The meditation is based upon Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith’s beautiful and powerful Life Visioning Process. Make yourself comfortable, relax and get ready to catch the vision that will forever change the trajectory of your life. Section 7 - Repetition is the keyIn previous sections, we have talked a lot about how it is what you think and what you feel that makes up your vibration and thus calls forth your experiences. And as we have also talked about, it is not only what you consciously think and feel, but even more so what you subconsciously think, which in turn gives rise to your habitual and chronic ways of thinking, feeling, and acting. If your subconscious mi