How To Make Your First Million in Real Estate

How To Make Your First Million in Real Estate
109.99 USD
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The #1 reason people fail in real estate investing is that they don’t have a plan. This is a 9-step process that walks you thru all the activities that you need to perform to plan and prepare you to become a successful real estate investor. The system I teach in this course is the exact same system I used to acquire over 100 properties in 3 years. Real estate is still one of the best ways to earn money and create a long-lasting stream of income. More people have made it rich through real estate than any other investment class. If you have ever wondered about becoming a real estate investor then this course is for you. This course is a low-cost way to get started in real estate. This is the exact same course that my mentoring students go through and I charge them $997. This course is intended for beginners interested in learning the different real estate investment strategies and deciding which ones’ are right for them. It provides lots of examples and templates that can actually be used to start a real estate investing business. The course is jam-packed with lots of exercises that the student must complete as part of starting a real estate investing business. There are tons of exercises and templates that can be used in your day-to-day real estate investing activities. By the end of this course, the student will have enough knowledge to be able to go out and start building their own real estate portfolio and put them well on their way to being a successful real estate investor.