How To Feel Confident On Camera

How To Feel Confident On Camera
Categories: Video Creating, Courses
199.99 USD
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Are you being held back because you fear speaking on camera or worry that you will damage your credibility?Fear Of The Camera Isn’t Fun For Anyone. Does presenting on camera make you feel anxious?Did you last video flop?Are you worried you look inauthentic?Do you worry about holding peoples attention?Are you worried about sounding stupid?Do you feel like you are not having the impact you deserve?Life is too short for ‘What If’s?’. You were born for MOREIf you would you like to make video marketing a simple process, you have an idea for an online program but don’t know where to start, or find yourself worrying every time you have to go on a video conference call. The Confident Virtual Presenter Online Program Is For You. This is your roadmap to looking and feeling confident and charismatic on camera, so you deliver amazing virtual content and can turn your idea for an online program into a finished product ready for market. Your Ability To Communicate On Camera Has A Direct Impact On Your Levels Of Success. My name is Anthony Laye and I have been a full time professional speaker and entertainer for the last 10 years, I have performed over 850 live shows, been seen by over 5 million people on TV, featured on over 100 radio shows and toured with the worlds biggest touring magic show The Illusionists, I am not telling you this to brag, I am telling you this because I never thought that I would be the kind of person to stand on stage; the even the thought of public speaking used to scare me, I was someone who would put my head down and avoided being in front of a group or a camera.I know that if I can reach the levels of success that I have been able to achieve, then you can to. I am here to be your guide and coach you through the journey.I have taken everything that I have learnt over the last 25 years of being involved in the entertainment and speaking industry and broken it down into a system that I can teach, I can help you avoid the costly mistakes, teach you how to become more confident, show you what does work and what doesnt and fast track your journey to being a confident presenter, not just on camera but also the stage, meeting room, coaching calls and even in your personal life.I’m On Your Side.I know how hard overcoming the fear of the camera is.I want to show you how I went from nervous wreck to. Performing over 850 Live ShowsBeing seen by over 5 Million people on TVPerforming in the worlds biggest touring magic showWe all have an inner superhero waiting to be unleashed, when you know how to CREATE impactful presentations, you have the skills to CONNECT with the audience, and have that X factor to CAPTIVATE, you will have all the tools you need to be a Superhero Speaker. Are You Ready To Become A Confident Virtual presenter?Here’s All You Need To Do. Enrol In The Program NowStart Watching The TrainingRecord Your Own Videos And Start To Make $$$