How To Draw A Realistic Cat Eye In Colored Pencil

How To Draw A Realistic Cat Eye In Colored Pencil
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Our Project for The Course is a Blue/Green Beautiful Cat Eye!I printed my reference photo in a 3 X 3 size. The Reference Photo is attached below. The Course is broken down into 7 sections1. Transferring The Sketch - How to accurately transfer your reference photo using graphite.2. Applying First Layers Of Color - We will build the foundation to work from by applying very light layers of the mid tones.3. Building Color Saturation In The Eye - Slowly we will increase layers of the mid tone colors and start to separate the darker shadowed areas.4. Starting The Base Layers Of Fur - We will start building a foundation of texture for the fur by using the black pencil for the darker groupings of fur then add in lots of fur strokes with the mid tone greys.5. Final Layers Of Color In The Eye - Now we are getting to the point where we can apply more pressure and saturate the eye to create the values and contrast.6. Creating Texture and Depth In The Fur - At this point we are really diving into the value and making sure we have our darks and lights in. Then we will use a Slice tool (or Xacto knife) to create tiny fine lines to increase the appearance of texture and create some highlights.7. Highlights and Shadows - Now we are at the fun part! We will use the white pencil and a white paint marker to get the glossy highlights in the eye and around the lids. Then, by using the black pencil we will go around the whole drawing and saturate the darkest areas to finalize the drawing. Supplies: Fabriano Artistico 140lb Hotpress PaperPutty EraserGraphite Stick (any graphite pencil)Odorless Mineral Spirits/SolventTaklon Brush to BlendSlice Tool or Xacto Knife (optional)Uni-posca White Paint Marker (Or any White Paint Pen/Marker you have will do just fine!)Polychromos Pencils: BlackCold Grey IIILight Cobalt TurquoiseBluish TurquoiseDeep Cobalt GreenCold Grey VIndigo BlueCobalt GreenCobalt TurquoiseWarm Grey VICold Grey IIDark SepiaLight Pthalo GreenHelio TurquoisePrismacolor Pencils: BlackWhite