This course will teach you a little known system to generate passive income for your monies. You will earn an average of 10%-15% (as of 2020) interest on your deposit amount. This system is not financial speculation or trading in any form or manner. This system however, rely on traders trading in a cryptocurrency exchange. While this is a respectable yield for your money, this is not an unreasonable and unachievable. While many other system has promised passive income, the truth is most of those are not really passive, there are still work you need to do to ensure you receive your steady stream of income. In this course, you will learn the concepts of our system; how it actually works and why we are actually making monies. If you are new to the cryptocurrency world, i will share with you some of the major terms and concepts used and why we don’t need to exchange a single cryptocurrency in order to make money daily. (i.e why this is very low risk and safe). You will also learn the secrets to setting up 2 separate platforms and achieve a truly passive mode of income. Finally you will understand why this system allows you to compound your daily returns and hyper boost your earnings in the long run.