How to crack interviews with confidence

How to crack interviews with confidence
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If you are looking for that dream career or dream job with your dream company then the first step is to ensure you are thoroughly prepared to face any challenges which might come in appearing for that interview which can be a deal maker or deal breaker. You want to ensure that you crack that interview with a confidence which would leave the Interviewer absolutely amazed also helping you stand apart from many candidates who have applied for that same role/job. The specialization course on How to crack Interview with confidence is your one-stop solution to preparing for an Interview and ensuring your success in it. This course helps you master the skills and techniques needed in an interview and also helps to understand what the Interviewer is looking for in a potential candidate. It helps you to make the right impression and to appear confident in your body language, resume making formats and also virtual and telephonic interviews. With easy to understand and simple English, this course comes with assignments and quizzes at the end of each module to ensure that you have thoroughly grasp the concepts taught in that lesson. So do ensure you complete those before moving on to the next video. Wishing you Good luck. To your Success-Now and forever! Chapter Names with sub topicsIntroduction VideoTo support learners in understanding the importance of an Interview and how this course will guide them to crack and ace the interview with confidence. Module 1 Introduction to InterviewsShort Description of the VideoThis video will help you to understand the basics of an Interview, why are interviews taken and what is expected from the candidate in an interview.1.1 Skills Assessed in an Interview Short Description of the VideoIn this video, you will learn about the different kinds of skills that you would be assessed by the Interviewer during an Interview. Along with few sample questions and answers to help you prepare those skills in advance. This would help you to ace the interview.1.2- Types of InterviewsShort Description of the VideoThere are many different types of Interviews and this video will give you all the information needed in order to be prepared as per the type of interview you may be attending. Also, few references of dos and donts in those interviews makes you super confident in the interview.1.3 Resume MakingShort Description of the VideoIn this video we talk about all things related to Resumes. How to make them, different types of resume and how to decide which format to use. Ace your resume making skills with this video. Module 2 (Before the Interview )Short Description of the VideoHow the candidates need to prepare themselves before an Interview is what the learners will get to understand in this video. As preparation is the key to success in any Interview. This video guides you to be prepared in all aspects- physically, emotionally, mentally, creatively and also ensuring you know how to answer the questions asked by the interviewer to the best of your ability in a responsible and mature manner.2.1 Preparing for Grooming and Attire2.2 Preparing your resume2.3 Preparing for research on the company which is taking the interview2.4 Frequently asked questions and how to answer themModule 3 During the InterviewThis video teaches about the protocols to be kept in mind during the interview. What a potential candidate must do and what things he/she should stay clear of. It also helps you to understand what etiquette and courtesies will help you score some brownie points and make you create the best impression in the eyes of the interviewer. As actions speak louder than words, you will also understand the right and wrong body language in an interview to be mindful of.3.1 First Impression in an Interview3.2 Body Language in an Interview3.3 Some other Etiquette to follow in an InterviewModule 4 Telephone and Online InterviewsNowadays because of logistic feasibility, many employers are looking to conduct virtual and telephonic interviews. So it becomes even more critical to ensure you make the right impressions. This video guides you to be prepared with grooming aspects, voice and tone impressions on telephone and also how to ensure you give that perfect virtual interview keeping in mind the backgrounds, lighting, and other Etiquette to be mindful of so that you completely nail it the virtual as well as telephonic interview4.1 What is Telephonic Interview4.2 What are the best practices in an Telephonic Interview4.3 What are Virtual Interviews and best practices for the sameModule 5 After the InterviewSometimes candidates make mistakes unknowingly immediately after an interview is complete. This doesnt leave a great impression in the mind of the interviewer or the hiring manager. This video guides you to make the right moves and to avoid the pitfalls once the interview is over. Remember you want to leave a good impression at the end of your interview5.1 Dos and Donts after an Interview5.2 Connect on Professional social media platforms5.3 Points for Introspection once the Interview is o