How to Become a Voice Actor and More!

How to Become a Voice Actor and More!
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3 Bonus Courses Added 10/29/2018 New Podcasting Course Added 8/10/2019 The Official DIY Guide to Voice ActingThe goal of this course is to teach new and aspiring voice actors how to generate income through voice acting on their own. This course can also help anyone who is looking to communicate better. This course is taught by full-time professional voice actor, Donald Fittsgill Jr. Donald is the host of “The Donald POV” podcast and has completed thousands of voice-overs in only a few short years. Donald has built a large client base that consists of small, medium and large businesses in a wide variety of areas. This course is designed to teach you the tricks of the trade that have helped propel Donald to success. This course will teach 3 main areas:- How to nail the read “Its not right until the client says its right.”- How to record Room setup, hardware, software, and recording/editing process- How to market Finding your edgeIf you’re interested in becoming a voice actor (voiceover actor), this online course will show you a non-traditional path, and the steps to getting started now. Nearly any time you hear a voice but don’t see a person speaking, there’s a voiceover actor at work. On television, radio, in video games, animation, sports arenas, or on audiobooks, voiceover is everywhere. It’s a surprisingly diverse field open to people with various backgrounds and skill sets, so whether you’re an actor looking to expand his earning potential, someone who excels at creating characters with her voice, or someone who’s constantly being told what a great voice he has, there can be work for you as a voice actor. This class is for you if-you’ve ever wanted to QUIT your day job and CHASE your dream of becoming a voice actor- you want to simply get better at communicating- you’ve been told, “You have a great voice!” but don’t know where to start- you hear commercials on the radio and say “That could be me!”- you’ve ever dreamed of being in video games or animation. Essentially, if you’ve ever wanted to start a career as a voice actor (or you’re even curious about the career itself), “The Official DIY Guide to Voice Acting” is the best place for you to start. With a comprehensive overview of the career of voiceover itself, a step by step guide on how to “find your sound,” make your reel, and get voice over work, “The Official DIY Guide to Voice Acting” is an invaluable resource, whether you’re just starting out from a home studio, or you’ve got some experience under your belt. In this class you’ll learn:- A large variety of voice over recording techniques- How to market yourself for voice over jobs- How to record voice overs at home, including equipment, software and setting up the room- How to set yourself apart from the crowd in the world of voiceovers. See you inside- Bonus Course Entrepreneurship - How to quit your job and chase your dreamsThe problem - Many people today are looking for a way out of their current situation. They want to start a business but are unaware of how to do so. Specifically, they are unaware of how to quit their job and chase their dreams. The goal - This class aims to solve that problem. This comprehensive class is designed to equip you with the necessary knowledge to quit your job and chase your dreams. The courses included in this class are:- How to quit your job and chase your dreamsThe Process - This online course contains easy to understand, Entrepreneurship Fundamentals. This course is essential to beginning your journey in becoming an entrepreneur. You’ll learn:- How to prepare your mind - Preparing your mind is essential to address before you seek to become an entrepreneur- How to find your way - You’ll learn which entrepreneurial path is right for you. You’ll learn a proven process of determining what is the best path to entrepreneurship for you- Honing your craft - You’ll learn how to take your entrepreneurial talents to the next level- Preparing Financially - You’ll find out what it takes financially to be able to leave your job. This is arguably the most important step, because your life expenses don’t go away when you embark this journey. Special Podcast on Emergency Funds added - How to find and implement a side-hustle - This is the key to meeting your financial goals. You will find out how to become a side-hustle ninja and learn real-world examples- Preparing for takeoff - Summary- Bonus Course Creating EFFECTIVE Podcast Intros and OutrosAre you looking to make your podcast come alive with an effective podcast intro and outro? This class will cover the following topics:- How to create an effective podcast intro- Podcast Music- How to create an effective podcast outro- Tricks of the tradeThis class is recommended for anyone looking to make their podcast intro and outro come alive- Bonus Course Podcasting 101Podcasting is very popular these days and many people are dipping their toes into the podcasting waters, really without any direction at all. My goal for this course is to give you structure so that you can produce the very best podcast wi