How Anyone Can Present Like A Pro on Camera - In 24 Hours!

How Anyone Can Present Like A Pro on Camera - In 24 Hours!
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Does being in front of the camera make you feel self-conscious?Are your presentations lacking personality and look unnatural?Are you too embarrassed to let your family, friends and business colleagues see you present on camera?Do you actually cringe when you replay your own videos and really hate how you look and sound?If youre a course creator, a consultant, a trainer, or even if youve found yourself doing more live presentations on Zoom or Skype, coming across as confident and professional on video is really important. It’s true that being in front of the camera is not natural. Most people think that being able to present with confidence on camera comes down to your personality - you have to be naturally outgoing and confident off-camera for it to show when you’re in front of the lens, well I can tell you 100% that’s not true. When I started over 20 years ago, I used to think that way too. It was only when I met great presenters off camera that I realized most of them were just average people, in fact, most were introverts. It all comes down to a series of steps and once you have this simple formula for building camera confidence it’s really not that hard for anyone to become confident on camera - if you know how!I can show you a simple 3 step process that I’ve taught for over 20 years. Step oneIs all about building your on-camera confidence skillsAnd no Its not about me telling you to remember to smile or not to worry its only a camera because that wont work and I bet youve tried that! By following the simple process in just a couple of days you’ll find presenting on camera is no harder than talking on the phone. Once you’ve built your core confidence, now it’s time for. Step twoStep two is where we make you shine like a pro, it’s where we make your presentations look really professional. I’ll show you how you can make your videos look and sound like they’ve been shot in a professional studio - even if you’ve only a cheap camera and mic. Step threeIn Step 3, Ill show you how to take your newfound skills and instantly create the right connection with your audience. With a simple technique that Ill teach you, youll be able to create that all-important first impression without even trying. Your audience will feel naturally drawn to you. By the end of this course, you wont just be good on camera, youll be totally professional and confident. Best of all, youll be so proud of your videos now, that youll want your family, friends and business colleagues to see them.