High School Computer Science and Programming Intro Workshop

High School Computer Science and Programming Intro Workshop
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HighlightsIntroduction toComputer Science and Programming WorkshopDesigned for High School and Junior High StudentsTrains and Encourages Critical Thinking, Logical Reasoning, andTechnology Orientationin Young AdultsWorkshop: The Majority of Each Class Spent onExercisesDone by the StudentCovers Fundamental Topics in Computer Science and Programming, Major Areas of Computer Science, Including: Science and EngineeringReal-WorldModelingPhysics SimulationsFrom Model toImplementationReverse Engineering and TinkeringMath and Computer Science TheoryData Structures: Trees, GraphsAlgorithms: Shortest PathArtificial IntelligencePropositional LogicNetworksInternet ProtocolsProgramming LanguagesFunctionsObject-Oriented ProgrammingAnd MoreNot a Course about a Programming Language, Rather about Fundamental Ideas in Computer Science and ProgrammingExercises Aid Learning, UsingUC-Berkeley’sSnap! Programming Tool (Designed for Kids andYoung Adults)15-Week Course (26Lectures)8+ Hours of Video Instruction, PlusMany More Hours SpentDoing theExerciseson Your OwnAccompanying Web Page for Each ClassIncludesLectureSlides, Links to Exercises on theWeb PageLearning Fundamental Ideas in Computer Science and Programming Will Set Students up to Go and Learn Any Programming LanguageNo Prior Knowledge or Experience in Computer Science or ProgrammingNecessaryOverviewThis newclass is designed specifically for high school and junior high students who want to get a head start learning about what Computer Science and Programming areabout. This course isn’t about learning a specific programming tool or language. Rather, it is designed tohelp them strengthen their critical thinking and logical reasoning faculties, as well as give them the depth of understanding infundamental concepts inComputer Science and programming, so that they could later onget started with any programminglanguage or technology project.A solid overview and key concepts in many areas ofComputer Science are covered by this course, including BigIdeas inScience and Engineering (Real-WorldModeling, Physics Simulations, From Model toImplementation, Reverse Engineering and Tinkering),Computer Science and Math Theory (Lists, Sets, Data Structures such as Dictionaries, Trees, Graphs, Algorithms such asShortest Path), Programming Languages (Functions, Object-Oriented Programming), Artificial Intelligence (Propositional Logic), and Networking (Internet Protocols), and more.I teach this class to some Living Wisdom School high school students in Nevada City, CA, as an alternate Math course. This is a 15-week workshopcourse. Each class (week)’s lecture takes about 90-120 min. on average. Each class includes some lecture with slides, but the majority of the time the students will be working onprogramming or designexercises on their own computer. After each exercise the students can resume the lecture video to check their work against the teacher’s.The majority of theexercises included in each class are done in Snap-the programming tool from UC-Berkeley. Students can share their work and view programs done by other students around the world. Perquisites and RequirementsNo Prior Knowledge or Experience in Programming NeededExercises Only Require a Computer with Internet AccessSectionsIntro: Introduction to this workshop seriesWeek 1: Lists, SetsWeek 2:A Snappy Snap! PrimerWeek 3:Concurrent and Event-Based ProgrammingWeek 4:Revising the List Example: Under the HoodWeek 5:Modeling, Design, Implementation: Traffic Light, ATMWeek 6:Implementing the Traffic Light SimulationWeek 7:FunctionsWeek 8:Binary Search TreesWeek 9:Values, Types, DictionariesWeek 10:Graphs, An AlgorithmWeek 11:Implementing a Graph AlgorithmWeek 12:Propositional Logic, “Have I Lied?” GameWeek 13:State MachinesWeek 14:Internet ProtocolsOutro: Next Steps