Help for depression and anxiety from a Christian perspective

Help for depression and anxiety from a Christian perspective
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There are many approaches to help people who struggle with anxiety and depression. This class is designed specifically for people who are sympathetic toChristianity. The primary tactic of the class is to help you change the way you think. Right thinking will lead to right living that is less stressful. You will be taught that the pain and discouragement you are experiencing are not the problem, it’s how you interpret the trouble in your life that matters. You will be taught very specific steps to interrupt you anxiety and depression, so that you can reinterpret the problems of your life in the light of how God sees you. Once you realize it’s not your job to carry all the trouble yourself, you will begin to feel relief. One of the techniques that is presented in the class is the use of ourmusic therapy to help you begin the process of letting go of the situation and trusting that God will take care of you. When you are feeling overwhelmed you simply begin listening to the included 33minute music therapy song (It’s designed to be listened to as you are going to sleep. but you can listen to it any time.) The song is designed to use concepts in the Word of God, and implant the concepts in your mind through music to help you begin the process of changing the way you think about your situation. This song has many individual songs embedded within it. We have included all of the individual songs for you to listen to. Find the songs that speak to you and listen to them over and over. They are meant to be used to break up the repetitive negative thoughts that you are having. All of the includedlessons are practical and actionable. They are all designed to draw you toward trusting God more than you everhave, while moving away from your emotional assessment of your problems. Emotions are not facts and cannot be trusted to be used to interpret our pain. As a bonus, this class alsoincludesa free PDF book that Iwrote that describes my personal path out of depression (you can find it in lesson 4.)