Hands-On: Azure SQL Database (Basic)

Hands-On: Azure SQL Database (Basic)
19.99 USD
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Azure SQL Database is Platform as a Service for Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) developed by Microsoft. In this course, Microsoft Azure Tenant, Subscription, Azure SQL Server and Azure SQL Database are created step by step with Hands-on training. SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) is also installed to connect to Azure SQL Database and manipulate data on Azure SQL Database. Some basic queries based on CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) are executed on Azure SQL Database from SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). Azure SQL Users can select from three types of Azure SQL. This course focuses on Azure SQL Database- 1st is Azure SQL Database. Azure SQL Database is Platform as a Service for Relational Database Management System. Users create Azure resources by Database. Azure SQL Database has high scalability and elastic options and it can be deployed quickly when users want to use. Basically, Users manage Database layer- 2nd is SQL managed Instance. SQL managed instance is also Platform as a Service for Relational Database Management System the same as Azure SQL Database. Users create Azure resources by SQL Server. SQL managed Instance is compatible with on-premise SQL Server. For instance, users can utilize SQL managed instance’s features including SQL Server Agent, SQL Server Profiler, Log Shipping, Replication, Cross Database Query and so on. Those features are not included in Azure SQL Database- Finally, SQL virtual machines. SQL virtual machine is very similar with on-premise SQL Server basically. The difference between SQL virtual machine and on-premise SQL Server is the point that virtual machine’s hardware is managed by Azure Platform. Users create Azure resources by Virtual Machine.