Hacking with tvOS 12 - Build Apple TV Apps

Hacking with tvOS 12 - Build Apple TV Apps
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Note: All finished projects and source code have been update to swift 5.0. So even though some lectures are shown using Swift 4.2, just reference the source code for any update you might need. Build 12 complete projectsthat teach you all the ins and outs of tvOSas well as 4technique projectsthat reinforce your tvOS skills andknowledgeby introducing the latest techniques, for building better apps. This course iswrittenby the award winning Swift programmer, Paul Hudson, it is from his best sellingbook,“Hacking with tvOS”, made into a lecture style course, and these videos were made with his permissionand support. Paul is the author of the Hacking With Swift series of tutorials, whichis one of the most popular Swift coding sitesonline. Paul alsohas received high praise from the creator of the Swift language, Chris Lattner, for his outstanding method of teaching, and series of Swifttutorials. And working together with iOS developer Steve DeStefano, the Hacking with Swift series ofprogrammingtraining videos are simply the fastest way to learn how to code in the Apple eco-system. This courseincorporates theuse ofannotations, callouts, diagrams, highlighting, and deep explanationsthat help makecomplex subject matter, much easier to grasp, and serve to reinforce key concepts, as well asguideyou along the path of the code, each step ofthe way. This course alsomakes the perfect reference toolkit, to be used in conjunction with the Apple docs, sothat you can go back and scrub through any of the lectures very quickly to pull out relevant code or instructionthat you need, as there’s no wasted chatter here, it’s strictly on point with tvOS. Please note: These are intermediate toadvanced projects, and thiscoursewill not teach you theSwift language, or how to code, you should already have completedPaul Hudson’s Swifttutorials at HackingWithSwift dotcom, or gone through the Hacking With Swift beginner to pro course here on Udemy. Work with table views, customcollection views, rows and columnsLearn how to add animations to your appsBuild SpriteKit gamesFetch and parse JSON dataLearn how to work with the tvOS “Focus engine"Use GCD (Grand Central Dispatch) to move to and from the main threadWork with the “Tab Bar Controller’learn all about formatting stringsLearn the API’s for working with “Dark Mode”, which adjusts the dark and light mode of your appsBuild awiki map app using “MapKit"Make top shelf extensions, which are mini apps that occupy the top two thirds of the tvOS home screenUse TVMLKit, JavaScript, and XML to create a “Movie Shopper app’learn how to save and store files using “UserDefaults”, the “iCloud key value store”, and “on demand resources"And much more!