Godot C# Offline Speech Recognition

Godot C# Offline Speech Recognition
19.99 EUR
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A new era of GamingA new era of gaming is about to open up with the amazing tool of offline speech recognition. For many years, speech recognition has been available, but then often as part of a operating system, or an online web service, so have therefore never been portable or friendly to the memory/CPU. However, this is all about to change, and is in fact already available. Trying not to waste you timeI have created the course to be as short as possible, so you can get the “meat”, and get thing up and running as quickly as possible, with other words: I’m trying not to waste your time. What you will learnToday most solutions for speech recognition are online-based. But in this course, you will learn how to take advantage of a speech recognition library that offers offline speech recognition, with lightweight memory and CPU usage, thus optimal to incorporate into your games. Even though the speech recognition may not be perfect, it is “good enough” to be used for games, and works with voices from children, male and females. In the course, you will step by step create a simple project which you can use as your springboard to start and create your own speech controlled games. It includes: Setting up the speech librarySetting up Godot for microphone recordingGetting the speech library to work together with the Godot engineComplete project to download and Edit/Run in the Godot engineYour instructor will be Johan Forsblom, A systems and games developer with a Bachelor of science, and over 7+ years of experience working as a Systems developer.