Get Leads Fast With #1 Sales Secret: The "Lumpy Mail" method

Get Leads Fast With #1 Sales Secret: The "Lumpy Mail" method
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THE#1 COURSE ON SELLING WEBSITESLookingfor an easy way tofind customers for your custom websites?Tiredof being payed only $400 for a new website, when you know your skillsare worth much more?Hatethe insecurity ofbeing a freelancer never knowing where and when you will get yournext order for a website?Wanta steady stream of new, extremelyprofitable customers?Wantto turn a one-time website deal into a $1000/mrecurring revenue stream?Want to know the Best Kept Secret that make other website creation businesses so successful?WEBSITE CREATION for clients isa lot of fun. But trying to get new clients for your custom madewebsites, can be draining. Especially if your not seeing the resultsyou want. Pay-per-click ads, blogging and responding to freelancer site jobrequests is all good and fine, but it really isnt that effective. There is a lot of competition and as the price is driven to thebottom so are your profits. Whatif I told you theirsa better way? A straightforward sales strategy that will get youhighly profitable clients, that will easily pay you$4000 for a new website?Thereis. It’s called the LumpyMail Method. The best kept lead generation secret in recent years. Withthe Lumpy Mail Method you will have an endlesssupply of companies wantingto pay you 4figures fora new website. Say Goodbye tolow profits and Hello toquiet mornings, where all you have to do is grab a cup of coffee, andgo work on that new website. IN THIS COURSE YOU WILL LEARN: How to identify wealthy companies that needs and wants to pay youpremium prices for a new websiteHow to create a Lumpy Mail to send the companies so they will beconvinced to buy a site from youHow to book sales meetings/consultations with the companies and sell the websiteHow to turn a one-time website deal into a $1000/m recurring revenuestream with minimum maintenance required (Bonus lecture)HERE’S WHY MY STUDENTS ARE EXITED!“A winning strategy to sell web sites. Very easy to follow and straightforward. This course confirmed my guess about how to reach companies that need web sites. Thanks.”- Shelley Corbin, USA “Really well explained, easy to follow, and convincing. I know if I got one of these lumpies, I would open it and contact whoever sent it. Good job!”- Joe Finn, USAGUARANTEEIfwithin 30daysof using the Lumpy Mail method you havent seen the results youexpected (or for anyother reason)please, get a Udemy-backedrefund andspend the money elsewhere. Ionly want satisfied customers. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSWho are you?My name is IvanWesten. I have 10 years of experience designingwebsites and selling on my e-commerce stores. I am a online marketing junkieand have taken lot’s of online courses, listen to 1000’s of podcastepisodes and read countless blog-post. I have tried a lot of stuffand learned what worked and what didnt. You should trust mebecause I have succeeded in making money with my businesses, whileother teachers have not. What’s in it foryou?I get paid for teaching you step-by-step how to use the Lumpy Mail sales process to optimize your B2B sales prospecting. I use themoney you pay me to buy coffee and diapers for my daughter. Simpleenough.I have never sold a website before - will the Lumpy Mail Method work for me?Yes it will. If you know how to do simple website development (or you know someone who does), you can use the Lumpy Mail Method to to sell custom websites and keep the profit. If you use the Lumpy Mail sales training from the beginning, you will have a very successful start as a website seller. Can you guaranteethe Lumpy Mail Method will work for me?I guarantee that the method itself has proven to work for me and many others. But, it is not a passive website marketing method (not tobegin with at least). It requires a time investment to build theLumpy Mails you send out. But more importantly, you have to have the skills to create quality website (or know someone who has). If you can produce quality websites and are willing to spend the time it takes to create a Lumpy Mail, I am convinced the method will workvery well for you. And if for some reason you do not like your results just get arefund. Does it workoutside USA?It sure does. I’m from Europe and the method works equally well in USA, Germany orany other country and can be used across borders as well. What is a LumpyMail exactly?It is a big, bulky letter that has a special surprise inside for the receiver. To see a real world example of a Lumpy Mail, pleasewatch the free preview of the lecture Lumpy Mail Explained Why It Works So Well below. READYTO SELL MORE WEBSITES?Pressthe “Take This Course” button on top, and start gettingpaid what your worth today!