GCP Professional Cloud Architect Practice Exam 2023 [New]

GCP Professional Cloud Architect Practice Exam 2023 [New]
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Practice Questions based on real Google Professional Cloud Architect Certification Exam. Prepare and pass your Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect 2023 exam. Practice tests with detailed explanations and mock exams. Overview of Topics Covered: Infrastructure - Compute, Storage, NetworkingData and Analytics - NoSQL Databases, Relational Databases, Big DataDevelopment Services - Application Services, AI Services, Development ToolsAdministration - Management, Monitoring, Authorization, SecurityDetailed Overview of Topics Covered: InfrastructureCompute: Functions, App Engine, Cloud Run, Compute Engine, GKEStorage: Filestore, Drive, Cloud Storage, Local Disk, Persistent DiskNetwork: VPC, Hybrid Connectivity, DNS, Load Balancers, CDN, NAT, RouterData ServicesDocument DBs: Datastore/Firestore, Big TableRelational DBs: Cloud SQL, SpannerBig Data & Analytics: Big Query, Dataprep, Data Fusion, Dataflow, Dataproc, Datalab, Data Studio, Data CatalogDevelopment ServicesApplication Services: Pub/Sub, IoT Core, Composer, Apigee, Endpoints, Healthcare API, MemoryStore, ComposerAI: AI Platform, ML, TensorFlow, Video, Vision, Speech, Translate, Natural LanguageDev Tools: Cloud Source, Cloud Build, Cloud Code, Deployment ManagerFoundations & AdministrationManagement: Geography, Interfaces, Org Struct, BillingMonitoring: Stack Driver, Serial Console, Cloud Audit LogsAuth: IAM, AD IntegrationSecurity: KMS, HMS, CSEK, TPM, Security Scanner, Cloud ArmorMy recommendations for passing the exam the first time. You don’t have to take the entire exam at one stretch. If you find it difficult, pause the exam, take a break and come back again hours or days later. In between, learn about topics that you weren’t confident of. Don’t rush through the exam. Use it as a learning tool by reading the question well, evaluating the options, and making a reasoned choice. There’s a much stronger learning in that process than rushing to get to the answers.