Galactic Chakra Activation

Galactic Chakra Activation
19.99 USD
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Greetings Cosmic Chakra Creatrix, Come Teleport with me on a magical & mutlidimensional chakra awakening journey into to cleanse, clear & lighten the density of your 3D lower dense earth chakras. In this rapidly shifting transitional timeline, we must practice self-care & spiritual hygiene to balance our divine feminine & masculine Yin/Yang aspects to elevate our consciousness, expand our spirit vision & awaken our rainbow angelic light bodies. As you watch & listen to this relaxing & stress-reducing galactivation, you will be guided on a safe & sacred soul journey with your angelic chakra guardians to drink in the intoxicating essence of the entire universe connecting you instantly to the ascension dimensions of peace, grace & infinite oneness. To create greater ease, flow & balance in your physical body, all of your chakras must be opened, cleansed & cleared of psychic sludge, earth debris, density & intensity that can easily create dis-ease & dis-harmony if your chakras are blocked, weakened or out of alignment.I’ve created this soothing safe & sacred space for you to awaken your chakras, nadis, meridians & Divine Diamond DNA so you can receive divine downloads, uploads & re-sets from your higher self, monad & IAMPRESENCE without blocks or barriers.I invite you to connect with the healing anchor of your breath & meet the angels & guardians of your glandular system to you release stress, anxiety, childhood trauma & symptoms of PTSD so you can spread your wings & heal your chakras that exist in parallel universes, alternate galaxies and extraordinary realities. Heal & Harmonize Your 33 Earth, Sky & Star Chakra Above & Below YouUnzip Heavy Armor You Carry With Galactic Chakra Angels In Higher DimensionsRecalibrate Your 12 Strand DNA, Divine Blueprint & Cosmic TemplateCleanse, Clear & Repair Your Etheric Angelic Wings To Fly Freely & Land SafelyDissolve Physical, Mental & Emotional Toxins & Cortisol Stress Hormones In Your BodyExpand Your Bliss, Joy & Pleasure Chakra Centers To Calm & Re-Set YourNervous SystemThis Light Code Energy Bath Contains sacred geometries, galactic light codes & sacred sound tonalities to raise your vibrational frequency on your way to becoming a 5D Earthkeeper. Blessed Be, Vandana