Freelance Feast

Freelance Feast
69.99 USD
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You’ve probably heard it 100 times.“Freelancing is a feast/famine cycle”. It’s in virtually every article or video you’ll read on “going freelance” - regurgitated like dogma across the web. To my own shame, I’m sure I’ve even said it a time or two in my early days. But, the truth is. It doesn’t HAVE to be. Instead what it really is. is a symptom of a deeper problem that most freelancers don’t seem to realize they have. What is this problem, you ask? It’s.Relying WAY Too Heavily On a Single Method For Getting ClientsInevitably, when you dig deeper what you find is most freelancers rely - almost solely - on one, maybe two, methods of getting clients. Freelancing sites are a big culprit. But also social media. Blogging or YouTubing. It’s a Recipe For DisasterFreelance sites change their rules. Google regularly “slaps” its search engine rankings. YouTube is all over the map as of late. Not to mention, the most effective methods I’ve used for getting clients in the last 17 years have either been 100% offline or completely untouchable by the tech giants that dominate the internet. There are three methods I’ve never talked about that are responsible for about 80% of the clients I’ve got over the years. And all three are 100% “untouchable”. The internet could die tomorrow and they wouldn’t even notice. In any case, the point here is simple. You should use every method available to you. And, if you’re smart, you’ll use them in conjunction with one another to create multiple streams of clients into your business. That’s what smart freelancers do. And, it’s what I’m going to show you how to do in this course.