Equine Partnered Bodywork - Introduction

Equine Partnered Bodywork - Introduction
109.99 USD
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Equine Partnered Bodywork will introduce a light touch technique we can do WITH our horse. Through practicing our state of mindfulness and presence, we discover the connection of how to ask for and observe our horse’s consent to partner. By applying a light touch to the neck of a horse, we will see and recognize different levels of response. As a result, we discover by applying a light touch and staying on the point or area, the horse will process and release their own tension, be it physical, mental, emotional. We in turn will feel our stress level melt away into relaxation. This course is presented in an active learning format. Get involved when seeing, reading, listening, feeling and sensing, imagine you are the one doing this work - the ability to understand and perform will be 10 times better! Having applied this inner work first, the difference when you actually go out to work with a horse, is astounding. Our intent is to be fully present, with a quiet mind, listening, observing, holding space, in a state of being that is not analyzing, diagnosing, or over thinking. The purpose of this work is to develop our senses, master our observation skills and our listening ability. The purpose is not to interject our opinions on to the horse, we are not doing something to the horse. Horses are fully capable of mastering their senses, movements, willingness and mind. Invite the horse into connecting, be prepared for a yes or a no, respect the horses answer. The work is best done in a quiet environment - just one person, one horse. Even a quiet observer changes the energy. When possible its best if the work is done without halter. We cant always start here, but as we work, we can envision the connection is energetic, not based on the halter and lead rope. The touch that we use with this activity is a very light touch. Our energy comes from between our fingertip and our fingernail, and it is sensed by the horse. (Check the length of your fingernails as the horse should not feel the fingernail!) There is no pressing, therefore there is no connection that would create brace or pressure. The reason for this is we want the horses response to areas we are pointing to. For the purpose of active, collaborative learning, our use of seeing, hearing, reading and taking notes during the modules presentation, creates active focus and retention of course content that we will recall and partially own when we go out to work with a horse. Horses disconnect when we pull out our phones or notes. Now - focus fully, when in front of the computer or phone - listen, read, take it all in so you own this way of being. Practice - with a dog or cat, then go out and work with your horse. Learners who take this course come from all over the world, speak many languages, are all ages. The content as presented can be easily translated into many languages as well as the language of energy. Adjust the Udemy speed settings as needed for faster or slower delivery. By fully connecting with the horse’s heart and spirit, offering support, ‘holding space’, the disturbance is able to simply melt away. It is important to check in often so problems don’t become acute or chronic. Future courses will dig in deeper to issues that don’t fully self correct, but this is the place to start. We must get ourselves in a mindful state of presence, without an agenda, to listen with an open heart for energetic imbalances. This activity is not meant to be done with an ‘intention to fix’. Nor will you want to start working with a horse that has issues or injuries that would be better addressed by a Veterinarian. Personal responsibility of the student who chooses to engage in activities presented in this course: PARTICIPANTS WHO ENGAGE IN EQUINE ACTIVITIES ASSUME THE RISKS OF ENGAGING IN AND LEGAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR INJURY, LOSS, OR DAMAGE TO PERSON OR PROPERTY RESULTING FROM THE INHERENT RISKS OF EQUINE ACTIVITIESThe skeletal image used in videos - left, right and top view are screenshots from 3D Horse Anatomy software from Biosphera3D. The design of added circles and acupoints ( Nancy Horne) show major areas used in EPB bodywork. The software programs used in this course creation are the Adobe apps - Photoshop, Illustrator, Apple - Keynote and ScreenFlow.