Learn to build applications using Entity Framework core 6 with Visual Studio 2022. Learn to start building your first web api. Receive assignments, work on them and watch the instructor solving them also, to verify the results. Create a database from scratch using Entity Framework core 6. Use the Code-First approach to create first tables in the database and update-database with Entity Framework Core. Use LINQto Query, modify, create and delete database data. Entity Framework Core is a lightweight, extensible, open source and cross-platform version of the popular Entity Framework data access technology. EF Core can serve as an object-relational mapper (O/RM), which: Enables .NET developers to work with a database using .NET objects. Eliminates the need for most of the data-access code that typically needs to be written. EF Core supports many database engines: EF Core works with SQL Server/Azure SQL Database, SQLite, Azure Cosmos DB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and many more databases through a database provider plugin model. Take advantage of the latest .NET core. We’ll go right to the point; you’ll see every stage of the process of writing the required code. Use the newly Microsoft EntityFramework Core 6 in any .NET application. Take advantage of the latest Microsoft ORM. 100% MONEY-BACK GAUARANTEEThis course comes with a 30-day money back guarantee. If you’re not happy, ask for a refund, all your money back, no questions asked.