Empath Energy Survival Course

Empath Energy Survival Course
24.99 USD
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Do you feel drained from social interaction? Do simple daily tasks like grocery shopping overwhelm you to the point where you feel physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted?If you answered yes to either of these, then you are most likely an empath. In this course, I want to shed a new light on empathy for you - to help you understand the dangers of this type of energetic exchange. As a highly sensitive person myself, I know what it’s like to feel like the world is an overstimulating, overwhelming place. I would come home after running errands and feel like I had just run a marathon. Now that I have incorporated these energy management practices into my life, I feel confident when I go out into the world and I’m able to return home feeling more grounded with my energy still intact. Energy management for empaths begins with understanding how to feel, sense, and shift your energy throughout the day. In this course, you’ll begin to see the bigger picture of how energy works as a whole, so you can begin to become aware of these subtle shifts in energy that happen to you throughout the day. This course offers you the opportunity master of your energy, through simple daily rituals which will leave you feeling balanced and peaceful rather than exhausted and overwhelmed. You will learn: how to use your energy effectively without draining yourselfhow to shield, ground, and clear your energy fieldhow to be aware of what energies you are allowing into your fieldhow to master your energy so you can transform your life!