What will you gain about this course?This Elite NodeJS Course is more hands-on than theory. Learn latest coding style that can be used in the programming industry. The only Elite NodeJS Course that teaches you every detail and with awesome codes. Welcome to Elite NodeJS Course - Become Certified NodeJS DeveloperThis is the best course to fulfill your dream tobecome NodeJS Developer. I will teach you more hands-on to enhance your programming skillsfaster. Ill guarantee you that you will learn more in more advance mode and i teach you fast past mode so that you will learn what you really neededWith this course you can be beginner to professional in just 3 weeks. What will you get in this course?Environment SetupNodeJS EssentialNodeJS IntermediateNodePackage Manger and LibrariesPublish NPM Libraries in NPM RegistryNodeJS Web ServerNodeJS ExpressLogin and Registration using Express and MysqlCRUD Using Express, MongoDB and MongooseGroup Chat with Socketio and ExpressVideo Streaming using SocketIO, Express and PugNode Mocha and ChaiBonusGet this course today and be life changing careers. The quicker you get this course the quickergain Elite NodeJS Course. Thank You: D