Elements of Life: 12 Bridges Back to You - Nia Peeples

Elements of Life: 12 Bridges Back to You - Nia Peeples
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Elements of Life:12 Bridges Back to You, by Virenia (Nia) PeeplesThis insightful and authentic series was 6 years in the making and is designed to be a beacon of encouragement, guiding you along the path to living your most honest and empowered life. Rooted in inspirational quotes, each element is layered with Nias deeply personal anecdotes and topped off with incisive written exercises that Nia herself used to create a total mind/body/spirit experience. Although written from Nias perspective as a woman, everyone is invited to join her. Nia Peeples offers you Elements of Life: 12 Bridges Back to You, a twelve part audio series and workbook designed to guide us back to the recognition of our own value and the discovery and honoring of our unique talents, gifts, experiences and wisdom through the 12 portals of: Individuality Adventure InspirationFaith Freedom TransformationPassion Balance PracticeCourage Forgiveness LoveElement 1: IndividualityAlive within the energy field of every single one of you is a light so abundant, so overwhelmingly alive, that to touch upon it would fill your longing heart. Bartholemew, Reflections of an Elder brotherThis is the first audio in the 12 Bridges Back to You program because Individuality is the basis of your diverse and personal greatness, genius, and happiness. You will discover how to recognize and unearth your own powerful individuality. Are you allowing your children, your friends and family, or even your job to experience the best of who you are?What unique aspects of yourself do you wish to share with them?Whats holding you back?Element 2: FaithAs soon as we learn to trust ourselves, we will know how to live. GoetheElement 2 is Faith: Faith in who you are most naturally, most uniquely. Faith in who you are becoming and faith that within every circumstance lies an opportunity to move in the direction of your greater self. Learn to identify your inauthentic ways of being and what its costing you. Do you trust your gut feelings?Learn more about the ever-flowing energy that supports your deep desires. Element 3: PassionIf you bring forth what is within youwhat you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you. The Gospel of ThomasWhy is passion an important part of our lives? In taking responsibility for and listening to our passion, we allow it to lead us to our greater selves, opening us up to embody our happier, more powerful, and more authentic selves. Learn what it means to be responsible for your passion in life and how to listen to what its telling you. Find ways to unearth and better define your passion. What major addition to your life would make you deeply joyful?What minor subtraction from your life would make room for that joy?Element 4: CourageCourage is not the absence of fear but the judgement that something else is more important. Ambrose RedmoonIn order to have the experiences that inspire us into our greater selves, we must meet each day, each event, and each moment with courage. But how can you do that?Is it really worth facing your fears head on?What is it costing you not to?How would your life be different if you did?Element 5: AdventureA single event can awaken a stranger totally unknown to us. To live is to be slowly born. Antoine de St. ExuperyDo you feel alive? Excited? Curious? Or do you feel like youre living in a box, a world that has been rigidly formed with seemingly no room for originality or growth? In this chapter, youll explore the correlation between adventure and the evolution of who you truly are. Are you afraid to venture out of your comfort zone?When was the last time you did something adventurous in your own back yard?Do you feel safe where you are but yearning for more?Element 6: FreedomFreedom is not the right to live as we please, but the right to find how we ought to live in order to fulfill our potential-Ralph Waldo EmersonDo you know you are free to create the life you want to live? So whats stopping you? Acting as your guide, Nia will help you pinpoint the instances where youve allowed your life, your surroundings, and your relationships to be created by default. What are you settling for in your life?Where do you want to reach for more or for something different?How would this change your work, your relationships, your pocket book?Element 7: BalanceLife is like a bicycle: to keep your balance, you must keep moving-Albert EinsteinFailing to achieve a point of perfect balance is not what we have to be aware of. The real concern is in getting stuck in achieving that single point of imbalance. In this audio, youll learn what a balanced life might look like for you as an individual, and youll create steps to move you in that direction. Are you creating your life or is life creating you?Get the 5 keys that move you into balance. Thought: Balance is something you move through not a point you achieve. Element 8: ForgivenessForgiveness does not change the past. But it breaks the chains that bind our past to our future-Nia PeeplesIn