Electricity and Magnetism Electrodynamics

Electricity and Magnetism Electrodynamics
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Our Course Caltalogue contains: An introduction to the fundamental ideas of physics. Beginning with Electricity and magnetism, elementary thermodynamics, classical wave behavior, and the description of microscopic physical systems via quantum theory. Nuclear physics and the generation of energy by fission and fusion; extraordinary macroscopic quantum processes such as superconductivity and other topics. The description of electric and magnetic phenomena in terms of fields. Topics to be covered include electrostatics and magnetostatics, electromagnetic induction, Maxwells equations, electromagnetic waves, and the characterization of energy and momentum in the electromagnetic field. The remainder of the course is devoted to the treatment of phenomena at the atomic and subatomic levels using the ideas of quantum physics. From the introduction of the photon, the Bohr atom, and de Broglies matter waves, we proceed to the unified description provided by Schrodingers wave mechanics. Sudy of interference and diffraction, which provide compelling evidence for the wave nature of light. We then turn to geometrical optics to understand the properties of lenses, mirrors, and optical instruments. The remainder of the course is devoted to the treatment of phenomena at the atomic and subatomic levels using the ideas of quantum physics. From the introduction of the photon, the Bohr atom, and de Broglies matter waves, we proceed to the unified description provided by Schrodingers wave mechanics. This is used to understand basic properties of atoms, beginning with hydrogen, and to describe the interaction between electromagnetic radiation and matter. The general problem of motion under the influence of a central force is formulated and applied to problems of planetary motion and to Rutherford scattering of particles. Electrodynamics, A study of the unified description of electromagnetic phenomena provided by Maxwells equations in differential form. The scalar and vector potentials, multipole expansions, boundary value problems, propagation of electromagnetic waves, radiation from accelerated charges. The standard model describes subatomic particles and their interactions via the strong nuclear, weak nuclear, and electromagnetic forces. Together, these theories embody all that is known today about matter and energy at the largest and smallest scales, and they form the basis of modern cosmology.A series of measurements in a focused area of modern experimental physics, this course is designed to offer an in-depth exposure.